Fine Beaded Art Jewelry by Anna Lisztes- Lisztes Anna Gyöngyékszerei

Ajándék / Gift
Egyórás szösszenet ajándékba egy nagyon kedves ismerősömnek :) Régi dizájn új köntösben - örök kedvenc:) Azért szeretem a labradoritot, mert nem kell hozzá túl sok körítés :)
Nuith is the Egyptian sky goddess who leans over her husband/brother, Geb, the Egyptian Earth God. She is usually depicted as a naked woman who is covered with stars and is arching on all fours over Geb. She represents the All, pure potentiality both as it flowers into the physical universe and as it resides beyond embodiment. She was the mother of Osiris, Horus, Isis, Set, and Nephthys
Labradorite is a power stone, allowing you to see through illusions and determine the actual form of your dreams and goals. It is excellent for strengthening intuitions. Use labradorite to stimulate imagination, develop enthusiasm and thus, new ideas, and to see more clearly in meditation
Labradorite was first found in 1770 on the Labrador Peninsula in Canada. It is also found in Norway, and the former USSR. There is a blue semi-transparent variety called spectrolite that is only found in Finland.
This beauty was made of a rare blue flashing Labradorite (24x19 mm) beaded with finest japanese glass beads – Toho Nebula colour, surrounded by Swarovski white pearls and bicones. The cord is 46 cm (18 in) long, pendant measures 5 x 3,5 cm (2 x 1 ¼ in), the middle fringe is 5 cm (2 in). Cord is beaded with firepolished faceted czech beads, Swarovski bicones and pearls and closing with a leaf toggle clasp. Backing is metallic blue genuine leather.
May this necklace keep away bad entities and thoughts and any kind of negativity to protect your life and help to live your dreams.
Nuith is the Egyptian sky goddess who leans over her husband/brother, Geb, the Egyptian Earth God. She is usually depicted as a naked woman who is covered with stars and is arching on all fours over Geb. She represents the All, pure potentiality both as it flowers into the physical universe and as it resides beyond embodiment. She was the mother of Osiris, Horus, Isis, Set, and Nephthys
Labradorite is a power stone, allowing you to see through illusions and determine the actual form of your dreams and goals. It is excellent for strengthening intuitions. Use labradorite to stimulate imagination, develop enthusiasm and thus, new ideas, and to see more clearly in meditation
Labradorite was first found in 1770 on the Labrador Peninsula in Canada. It is also found in Norway, and the former USSR. There is a blue semi-transparent variety called spectrolite that is only found in Finland.
This beauty was made of a rare blue flashing Labradorite (24x19 mm) beaded with finest japanese glass beads – Toho Nebula colour, surrounded by Swarovski white pearls and bicones. The cord is 46 cm (18 in) long, pendant measures 5 x 3,5 cm (2 x 1 ¼ in), the middle fringe is 5 cm (2 in). Cord is beaded with firepolished faceted czech beads, Swarovski bicones and pearls and closing with a leaf toggle clasp. Backing is metallic blue genuine leather.
May this necklace keep away bad entities and thoughts and any kind of negativity to protect your life and help to live your dreams.
bead embroidery,
Anyák Napjára / Happy Mother's Day :)
Tegnap délután, amíg a kisfiaim aludtak, megszületett a fejemben ez a dizájn. Hozzá is láttam és 3-tól éjfélig meg sem álltam. Úgy lett egyre több energiám - ahogy alakult a karkötő a kezeim között. Régen éreztem már így - hogy valami belső erő vezeti a kezem.....amikor jön ez az érzés, egyszerűen nem vagyok fáradt....csak hímzem amíg el nem készülök :)
This piece was made up of beautiful Czech vintage glass button (27 mm) and 4 Swarovsky Crystal rivolis (12 mm) surrounded by Toho japanese glass beads. Closing with antique brass celtic pattern button.
Bracelet measures 2 1/4 x 6 1/2 inches (55 x 170 mm). Lenght can be modified upon request. The backing is buttersoft genuine leather.
This is a one-of -a- kind design, the button is very rare for that is not produced anymore and the bracelet is 100 % handmade.
This piece was made up of beautiful Czech vintage glass button (27 mm) and 4 Swarovsky Crystal rivolis (12 mm) surrounded by Toho japanese glass beads. Closing with antique brass celtic pattern button.
Bracelet measures 2 1/4 x 6 1/2 inches (55 x 170 mm). Lenght can be modified upon request. The backing is buttersoft genuine leather.
This is a one-of -a- kind design, the button is very rare for that is not produced anymore and the bracelet is 100 % handmade.
Szitakötő / Dragonfly Dreams
Végre letudtam a kötelezőket és volt egy szabad szombat délutánom, hogy azt csináljak, amit csak akarok :) Ugye kitaláltátok, hogy hímeztem :) Egyszer régebben írtak a gyöngyös munkáímról egy blogban - hogy milyen jól választom ki a szí ezen felbuzdulva született meg ez a mesés nyaklánc, csupa csillogó - sziporkázó életigenlő színes gyönggyel és Swarovski kristályokkal, valamint a kedvenc cseh szitakötőmintás gombommal :) Annyira fellelkesített az összeválogatott gyöngyök látványa, hogy kisebb megszakításokkal, de kb.2,5 óra alatt meg is voltam vele. Remélem nektek is tetszik :)
This is the perfect summer garden party wear :) This lovely czech glass button speaks for itself and so rich in textures and colours so as sparkling Swarovski crystals. This is definitely a must have piece.
Pendant measures 2 1/2 inches (65 x 45 mm) excluding fringe. (+2 1/2")
The cord is made up of Swarovski crystals and gold plated beads, 18" long - can be modified upon request.
The backing is buttersoft genuine leather from a traditional tannery of Solofra, Italy - metallic purple.
This is a one-of -a- kind design.
The color setting of this piece is purple, lime and gold.
This is the perfect summer garden party wear :) This lovely czech glass button speaks for itself and so rich in textures and colours so as sparkling Swarovski crystals. This is definitely a must have piece.
Pendant measures 2 1/2 inches (65 x 45 mm) excluding fringe. (+2 1/2")
The cord is made up of Swarovski crystals and gold plated beads, 18" long - can be modified upon request.
The backing is buttersoft genuine leather from a traditional tannery of Solofra, Italy - metallic purple.
This is a one-of -a- kind design.
The color setting of this piece is purple, lime and gold.
bead embroidery,
green jade,
jade - zöld,
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